Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hello everyone

as you all may have noticed, i have been extremely MIA on youtube & my blog. this was due to a lot of things happening in my personal life such as graduating from college (YAY!) among other things. since graduation i have been taking it easy for the first time in nearly 4 years and my own personal, positive thoughts are finally flowing freely again.

so i thought i would make a little post just letting you all know that... you have not been forgotten... you are not being ignored... i am always around checking all of my comments, replying & answering questions and i am always on twitter! follow me~ misslexiet

i hope you are all still interested in my videos, blogs & tweets. i have lots of randomness that i love to share with other like-minded people and there is so much to chat about....

i will be posting more on this blog very soon & hopefully very frequently. please be sure to check back & if you follow me on twitter i will let you know when i have posted something new!

xo Lexie


  1. yayyy your back! i cant wait for new youtube videos :D

  2. ME TOO, I just love your videos :D

  3. Can't wait for you to start up again- I LOVE your videos!

  4. can't wait for new video's and blog's i'm sure like everyone else we've missed you but you are right to take time out and not feel like you have to be constantly interacting with everyone!! can't wait to see and read more news from you x
