Sunday, November 15, 2009

thank you

i am so blown away by the amazing support i have received from so many of my subscribers... people i don't even know... and do not know me...

the sweet comments, compliments, words of praise and excitement for my new channel...

i am honestly completely humbled and blown away by how sweet my subscribers and followers on youtube, twitter, and blog are.

i haven't done anything but be myself, talk about all of my superficial loves in this world, and i have received so many sweet, sweet, SWEET comments that i am just absolutely blown away.

they do not make me feel like a more important or worthy person, they do not boost my self esteem or make my ego larger...

they make me feel thankful, humbled and honestly a little confused at how people think i am so cool, pretty, have a nice voice? hehehe it is so sweet i appreciate it all but wow! it blows me away.

i feel so so so so so so lucky to have so many supportive and wonderful people who root for me and for my simple little videos!

so i really just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you.... i appreciate you and your sweet, kind words more than you know!! YOU are all who deserve the compliments and words of praise for being so kind to a complete stranger!!!

you are all amazing to me! thank you!!!

a little UPDATE: THANK YOU for making my new channel the #47th most subscribed this week!! amazing!!

another update: #39th most subscribed as of november 19!! THANK YOU ALL!!!



  1. lexie, i love your channel! =)

  2. I've been watching your videos for awhile and just think you're so fun- so happy I stumbled across your blog!
